I am a primary school teacher with over 20 years of experience. I create beautifully presented resources to make your busy life easier and your classrooms a gorgeous place for learning. Come right in and have a browse - you are very welcome.
I am a primary school teacher with over 20 years of experience. I create beautifully presented resources to make your busy life easier and your classrooms a gorgeous place for learning. Come right in and have a browse - you are very welcome.
This is a fully editable planning format for organising your EYFS Enhanced Provision. Use it to plan what learning opportunities you will set up in the different areas of your classroom and how you will change them in accordance with the children's learning.
Smart Goals, Smart Goals Spinner, Smart Target Wheel
This is a fun way to record students’ SMART goals. They can record their goals and then use the wheel as a handy reference when they need reminding of their targets. The Smart Goals poster included with the pack also helps them to remember to make their targets and goals SMART
Also makes a great display!
2 PDFs for front and back of the spinner / wheel
Here is a 12 week block of medium term planning covering People Who Help Us At Our School. The resources include an overview curriculum map and 12 weeks of planning identifying key objectives, skills, questions and activities.
People Who Help Us At School Medium Term Planning Pack includes:
* A curriculum map (Publisher file) which can be tailor made to suit your particular school by adding your school badge and key questions. This curriculum map also is an ideal way to share the learning for the term with parents and carers.
* 12 weeks of medium term planning as 6 Word files. This planning identifies a key question and lays out all the skills and activities to be learnt across the unit. There are also handy homework ideas as well as an enhanced provision ideas bank for each week.
Use these Superhero Tray Labels to organise your classroom during a Superhero unit. The PDF file is editable so you can type in your children's names or resource labels and make an awesome Superhero classroom that your class will love!
Playground Game Ideas, Outdoor Games, Booklet of 20 Outdoor Games
Listing comprises of 20 A4 sheets each with a different outdoor / playground game. Each sheet gives instructions and resources needed for each game.
Print out as a booklet to help with your planning or print and laminate for children to use independently when outside.
Games included:
Bubble games
Run Rabbit Relay
Back-to-Back Race
Base Race
Jump Jump
Dance Freeze
Tag Games
Steal the Bacon
Capture the Flag
Giants, Wizards and Elves
Bowled Over
Balloon Volleyball
French Cricket
French vs English
Traffic Lights
Fill the Bucket
Noise Meter Display, Noise-O-Meter, Noise Monitor, Classroom Noise Monitor
4 A4 PDFs that you can print out and use to make a quick and effective display to help guide your students on the level of noise appropriate for different activities.
Brag Bracelets are a great way to celebrate the students in your class. Using these brag bracelets help to raise children’s self-esteem and foster an environment of positive reinforcement in your classroom.
In addition, these brag bracelets are a quick and effective way to send a positive note home.
Simply print, cut out and secure around the wrist.
Messages on these brag bracelets include:
I am a hard worker
I am responsible
I have super handwriting
I lost a tooth
I am a reading champion
I am a maths star
I am a kind friend
I am a terrific leader
I am a good sport
I am a good listener
I am a spelling superstar
I am kind
I am a playground hero
I had an awesome day
I am helpful
I am brave
End of School Year Memory Wheel, End of School Activity
Let your pupils reflect on their year and create this sweet keepsake to help them remember their time in your class.
Consists of 2 sheets: simply print onto card, complete and decorate, cut out and then fasten together with a paper fastener.
Prompts included:
My Favourite Memory
A Memorable Person
A Funny Thing
Something I Learned
Use these Superhero Tray Labels to organise your classroom during a Superhero unit. The PDF file is editable so you can type in your children's names or resource labels and make an awesome Superhero classroom that your class will love!
Growth Mindset Motivational Posters
These 20 fun, bright posters can be used to encourage a growth mindset in your classroom and are perfect for any age range. Simply print out and display to create a culture of success, perseverance and motivation.
Included in this bundle:
20 A4 motivational growth mindset posters (19 portrait, 1 landscape)
Growth Mindset Motivational Posters
With a fun dinosaur theme, these 20 posters can be used to encourage a growth mindset in your classroom and are perfect for the primary age range. Simply print out and display to create a culture of success, perseverance and motivation.
Included in this bundle:
20 A4 motivational growth mindset posters
Brain Breaks, Brain Break Ideas, Brain Break Resource, Brain Break Lollipops
Use these Brain Breaks between activities, as breaks in the middle of an activity, as motivators, for team-building activities and more.
Each Brain Break is made up of two circles - the front has the title and the back has instructions on what to do.
To assemble print out the A4 sheets, cut out the circles and then stick back to back with a lollipop stick sandwiched between the two circles. The front should show the title of the Brain Break and the back, the corresponding instructions.
I’ve also included a PowerPoint file for you to edit and create your own.
When the Brain Break Lollipops are made up, place in a container in your classroom so that they are handy when you need a Brain Break.
MissPepperPot x
Superhero Brag Bracelets, Superhero Resources, Superhero Rewards, Superhero Theme
Brag Bracelets are a great way to celebrate the students in your class. Using these brag bracelets help to raise children’s self-esteem and foster an environment of positive reinforcement in your classroom.
In addition, these brag bracelets are a quick and effective way to send a positive note home.
Simply print, cut out and secure around the wrist.
This listing includes 16 pages with bracelets suitable for girls and boys. Messages on these brag bracelets include:
I am responsible
I am a hard worker
I am a good sport
I am kind
I am a playground hero
I had an awesome day
I am helpful
I am brave
Superhero Table Signs, Superhero Theme, Superhero Resources, Superhero signs, Superhero labels
These Superhero table signs will look great in your Superhero themed classroom. You can use these signs in so many different ways. You can print them on stickers to label tables or print two, stick them back to back and hang above a table. Two sizes and shapes are included to help you set up your classroom just how you want it.
Also included are PowerPoint files so that if you wish you can edit the
text of each sign.
1 A4 PDF circle and square labels, 1 - 10, 20 x 20 cm
1 A4 PDF circle and square labels, 1 - 10, 13.5 x 13.5 cm
1 PowerPoint file, circle and square labels, 1 - 10, 20 x 20 cm, EDITABLE
1 PowerPoint file, circle and square labels, 1 - 10, 13.5 X 13.5 cm, EDITABLE
1 PDF Thank you and contact information
Thank you for looking
Miranda x
Superhero Brain Breaks, Superhero Theme, Superhero Activity, Superheroes, Brain Break Lollipops
Use these 30 Brain Breaks with your Superheroes between activities, as breaks in the middle of an activity, as motivators, for team-building activities and more.
Each Brain Break is made up of two circles - the front has the title and the back has instructions on what to do.
To assemble print out the A4 sheets, cut out the circles and then stick back to back with a lollipop stick sandwiched between the two circles. The front should show the title of the Brain Break and the back, the corresponding instructions. Makes 30 Brain Break Lollipops
I’ve also included a PowerPoint file for you to edit and create your own.
When the Brain Break Lollipops are made up, place in a container in your classroom so that they are handy when you need a Brain Break.
MissPepperPot x
Class Display, New Class Display, Quick Class Display
Welcome all of the children to your class using this quick, effortless display pack.
Simply add your pupils’ names, print out, cut out and display.
1 PDF of a crayon case labelled “2018 - 2019 Our Class Pack”, A4 size, not editable
3 PDFs of crayons, 12 colours in total, each PDF is fully editable so names can be added, A4 size
Thank you :)